10 maj 2012

Radiation 24/7

We've already established my fascination with gadgets. I'm madly in love with my iPhone, my iPad (don't have one yet, but I love it), and my laptop. That it saves resources is also clear. Less paper, plastic and metal when you have everything online. Well, at least if you hang on to your gadgets for a while and don't exchange them too often...

But what does this constant exposure to radiation do to our bodies? How do we respond to radiation 24/7?

On my office desk there is one hard drive, two computer-screens and one phone with a wireless headset. In front of me, behind me and on both sides of me there are people with exactly the same things.

In my small office there are;
9 hard-drives, 18 computer-screens, 9 wireless headsets, two large TV-screens, one microwave oven, one wireless network and at least 9 cellphones. I spend at least 8 hours a day in that environment.

When I get home I'm surrounded by; one microwave oven, one wireless network, two laptops, two cellphones (both of them used as alarm-clocks), two tv:s (one of them in the bedroom), one blue-ray player, one stereo and one surround-sound system.

What does this do to our bodies and our peace of mind?

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