At Lund University there is the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research; Cec. You can study to the level of Bachelor, Master and PhD and you can also continue on with research after you've graduated.

Uppsala University have several different educations to choose from. For example at Swedish Biodiversity Centre; CBM. There is a Master in Sustainable Development and various undergraduate studies. Read more here.
At Gothenburg University you can study at the Department of Earth Science, GVC. You can study Geology, Marine Geology, Physical Geography or Climatology.

Linköping University has a Masters Degree in Environmental Science. It's multidisciplinary and aspires to find and study various aspects of how to to create a sustainable future.

The more students who specialize in environmental sciences, the more experts there will be to help put an end to the waste of precious natural resources and other harmful behaviour that our modern society is prone to.