1 december 2012


Glögg (mulled wine) is a very Swedish tradition. Christmas just isn't Christmas without it. We start drinking it as soon as the snow starts to fall or at the latest the first weekend of December. There are white or red versions and some of them has added flavours; for example apple, cognac or chocolate. The red ones you heat up and put almonds and raisins in. The white ones you can either heat up or drink cold with ice in it.

I have no idea if it's possible to find outside of Sweden, but if you're visiting wintertime I'm sure you'll have an opportunity to try it.

This years organic ones are;

Tegnér and son - red (with tastes of cherries and chocolate)
Vinterglöd - red (with tastes of cinnamon and ginger)
Ripa - red (with tastes of raisins and cardamon)
Vinfabriken - white (with tastes of apple and lemon)
Dufvenkrok - red (with tastes of gingerbread)

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