4 persons
50gr parmesan cheese
500gr ricotta cheese
2,5 tablespoons of flour (I used wheat flour)
1dl chives
1tablespoon of fresh thyme
1 egg
oliveoil or butter
freshly ground black pepper
Grate the parmesan cheese and chop the chives and the thyme. Mix it together with ricotta, flour and egg yolk and season with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 2 pinches of pepper.
Whisk the egg-white until it becomes a compact foam, then gently toss it into the cheese-paste.
Put 2dl flour on a plate and put about 1/2dl of paste onto it. Put flour on your hands and shape the beefs.
Fry the beefs in a lot of oil/butter. Appr. 3 minutes on each side.
We ate it together with a salad made of spinnach, radish, rocket, tomatoes and cucumber sprinkled with olive oil.