30 april 2012
Chicken Race
Bosarp Chicken is the only organic chicken-farm in Sweden. They sell their chickens to a lot of stores around the country, but since there are so few chickens it's really a race to get a hold of one or two.
Organic chickens are being brought up at a slower pace, in smaller groups, and they have larger areas to live in. They are allowed to be outside when the weather permits and they are given organic food without pesticides and hormones. A happy life for a chicken and the way most of us picture it.
It's not easy to start an organic chicken-farm which may be one of the reasons there are so few of them. Apart from the above, it's hard to find the correct food that contains enough protein. On the other hand, they may grow too fast with too much protein and that does not suit the two types of chickens we have in Sweden. They get too heavy and since they live longer, their bodies might not be able to take the extra weight.
Only 1 procent of the chicken we eat is organic. Organic eggs though has 11 procent of the market and can be found in every supermarket.
As consumers we have to ask for what we want to change this. Other types of chickens might be better suited for organic breeding, and there needs to be more research done on the food and other conditions needed to breed properly.
29 april 2012
Sweet as honey
Bees play a very important role in making sure we all have food to eat. Bees can be found on every continent except Antarctica, and in Sweden alone there are 300 different species.
The bee mortality is a growing problem and it's considered to be a serious threat towards the biodiversity. There are several reasons for the megadeath of bees. From parasites, different illnesses and lack of nutrition to the pesticides used in farming. Pesticides is believed to play a very crucial role in the recent high rates of bee mortality.
Luxemburg, Italy and the UK have had between 30 and 50 procent bee mortality in the past years. In the winter of 2010 Sweden had a rate of 25 procent.
When the bees die and the numbers of beekeepers continue to decline it's going to have huge consequences. As much as 76 procent! of the food production and 84 procent of the plant species within the EU depends on pollination of bees.
The agrucultural comittee of the EU-parlament is working on a new suggestion for the agricultural policy for 2014–2020. That suggestion includes more money for the reasearch on environmentally friendly agriculture including how pesticides affects bees. They also want to give economic support to beekeepers.
The nature needs an omnivore like the bee. If 40 procent of the bee colonies would die, the financial consequenses for Sweden alone will be 300 million SEK (45million USD).
Just another reason to eat organically produced food.
More information about beekeeping kan be found here. And scary information about megadeath of bees can be found here (Swedish only) or here here (English).
28 april 2012
Drink responsibly
In the western world, and in Sweden in particular, tapwater is so healthy and tastes so good there is really no reason to drink bottled water.
Sodastream is the largest worldwide company to provide products for carbonating water.
The soda maker is not very expensive (the cheapest one costs about the same as 50 liters of bottled water). One carbonator costs about 15USD and can be used to make 60-130 liters of carbonated water (depending on the size) and when it's empty you leave it to a retailer so it can be refilled and reused. The bottles used for the soda makers are either glass or plastic, depending on which soda maker you choose. The plastic bottles are high-pressure resistant, can be re-used for up to three years and the plastic is free fom Bisphenol A and does not give away any phtalates or PCB.
You save money, you save the environment and you're never out of fresh carbonated water.
Sodastream is the largest worldwide company to provide products for carbonating water.
The soda maker is not very expensive (the cheapest one costs about the same as 50 liters of bottled water). One carbonator costs about 15USD and can be used to make 60-130 liters of carbonated water (depending on the size) and when it's empty you leave it to a retailer so it can be refilled and reused. The bottles used for the soda makers are either glass or plastic, depending on which soda maker you choose. The plastic bottles are high-pressure resistant, can be re-used for up to three years and the plastic is free fom Bisphenol A and does not give away any phtalates or PCB.
You save money, you save the environment and you're never out of fresh carbonated water.
27 april 2012

It's such a perfect way to sustainability; keeping it simple and helping each other out.
You have the possibility to visit many countries all over the world and to learn about organic farming. It's very simple. You find a country and one or several farms that you like to visit and stay at. You contact them directly and you agree on when it's a good time to come.
From building barns for alpacas in Alaska to growing strawberries in Korea to clean water programs in Sierra Leone, there is something for everyone. And your help is most welcome.
Read more and book your own stay at WWOOF
Sharing is caring,
26 april 2012
Most important to choose organic
Food is the main source of human exposure to environmental toxins. You can't find everything in an organic version (yet), but if you just change the below things towards organic ones, both you and the environment will benefit hugely from that.
The largest amount of pesticides are used on;
I've written about this before and it's easy to find organic coffee in most shops.
40-50 tons of pesticides are used in every 10.000 square kilometers (around 4000 square miles) each year. One of the pesticides used is chloropyrifos. Chloropyrifos is a neurotoxin used in the plastic bags that surrounds the banana stem. Because of this, the people harvesting our bananas may suffer from loss of apetite, insomnia, concentration difficulties, higher risks of lungcancer and even be suicidal. Getting close to this chemical is especially dangerous to the nervous system of children up to the age of 6 and there has been studies made that suggests a link between exposure to this kind of pesticide (and other organophosphates) and ADHD. Scientists even take it as far as to compare to the exposure to lead which 40 years ago proved to be very harmful. In Sweden it's easy to find organic bananas. Almost every food store has them.
Grapes is the most commonly grown fruit in the world (about 45 percent). Grapes are sensitive to pests, a lot of times they are sprayed with pesticides even before any breakouts have been noticed, and grapes shows traces of pesticides more often than any other food. There are also several different chemicals used and how those chemicals interact is still not known. Even though each chemical in itself may not be harmful in a very small dose, they may cause damage together. Don't forget that the pesticides used on grapes also affects raisins, wine and champagne. About 85 procent of all grapes are used in producing wine. Organic grapes can be hard to find in Sweden, but organic raisins and organic wines are easy.
In Sweden this is the crop where the most pesticides are being used, and among those the King Edward and Bintje are the most sprayed ones. A Swedish potato is on average sprayed with pesticides 7 (some as much as 13!) times before they're harvested. If all Swedes would choose only Swedish, organic potatoes we would stop 95 tons of chemicals each year from harming ourselves and our environment. The most common pesticides used are Shirlan and Ranman. They are highly toxic towards aquatic organisms and also harmful to pollinating insects like bees.
Dairy products
Organic dairy means that the cows are fed organic food only, and most of it has to be grown on the farmers own farm. The animals should be allowed to move freely and to eat grass outside for at least eight hours a day during the warm season. The calves are allowed to suckle and to stay with their mothers for a longer period. Antibiotics are not allowed as a precaution. Happy, healthy animals, less chemicals and less antibiotics in our food. Luckily it's very easy in Sweden to find organic dairy. Milk, cream, butter, cheese, yoghurt etc can all be found in organic versions at the local supermarket.
Read more at Naturskyddsforeningen
I've written about this before and it's easy to find organic coffee in most shops.
40-50 tons of pesticides are used in every 10.000 square kilometers (around 4000 square miles) each year. One of the pesticides used is chloropyrifos. Chloropyrifos is a neurotoxin used in the plastic bags that surrounds the banana stem. Because of this, the people harvesting our bananas may suffer from loss of apetite, insomnia, concentration difficulties, higher risks of lungcancer and even be suicidal. Getting close to this chemical is especially dangerous to the nervous system of children up to the age of 6 and there has been studies made that suggests a link between exposure to this kind of pesticide (and other organophosphates) and ADHD. Scientists even take it as far as to compare to the exposure to lead which 40 years ago proved to be very harmful. In Sweden it's easy to find organic bananas. Almost every food store has them.
Grapes is the most commonly grown fruit in the world (about 45 percent). Grapes are sensitive to pests, a lot of times they are sprayed with pesticides even before any breakouts have been noticed, and grapes shows traces of pesticides more often than any other food. There are also several different chemicals used and how those chemicals interact is still not known. Even though each chemical in itself may not be harmful in a very small dose, they may cause damage together. Don't forget that the pesticides used on grapes also affects raisins, wine and champagne. About 85 procent of all grapes are used in producing wine. Organic grapes can be hard to find in Sweden, but organic raisins and organic wines are easy.
In Sweden this is the crop where the most pesticides are being used, and among those the King Edward and Bintje are the most sprayed ones. A Swedish potato is on average sprayed with pesticides 7 (some as much as 13!) times before they're harvested. If all Swedes would choose only Swedish, organic potatoes we would stop 95 tons of chemicals each year from harming ourselves and our environment. The most common pesticides used are Shirlan and Ranman. They are highly toxic towards aquatic organisms and also harmful to pollinating insects like bees.
Dairy products
Organic dairy means that the cows are fed organic food only, and most of it has to be grown on the farmers own farm. The animals should be allowed to move freely and to eat grass outside for at least eight hours a day during the warm season. The calves are allowed to suckle and to stay with their mothers for a longer period. Antibiotics are not allowed as a precaution. Happy, healthy animals, less chemicals and less antibiotics in our food. Luckily it's very easy in Sweden to find organic dairy. Milk, cream, butter, cheese, yoghurt etc can all be found in organic versions at the local supermarket.
Read more at Naturskyddsforeningen
25 april 2012
Stella McCartney

This is a woman who has never used leather or fur in her collections. She has shown that great materials can be found and used without cruelty. For the new Spring/Summer 2012 she has designed a collection of eco-friendly sunglasses in a lot of different colours and styles. In her fragrances she uses as much natural ingredients as possible, and they are completely without parabens. Together with her family she wrote a Meat Free Monday cookbook to inspire to a vegetarian lifestyle.
It's really inspiring to follow her career and what she does to lead a sustainable life.
Read more and shop her beautiful designs here; StellamcCartney
Meat Free Monday,
24 april 2012
Down under
More and more brands have underwear in organic cotton or organic cotton blends.
You can find it in most high-street brands, and also online. Most is made in organic cotton, but there are also some made of bamboo, hemp or fibers of pine. All those materials breathe and are comfortable to wear closest to your body. It's nice to have clothes without chemicals that close to you.
Here are some websites to choose from; Ecolyxica, Ekogarderoben, Greentex
You can find it in most high-street brands, and also online. Most is made in organic cotton, but there are also some made of bamboo, hemp or fibers of pine. All those materials breathe and are comfortable to wear closest to your body. It's nice to have clothes without chemicals that close to you.
Here are some websites to choose from; Ecolyxica, Ekogarderoben, Greentex
23 april 2012
Organic or locally cultivated?
How to choose between the two? Is it better to buy locally grown produce than have fruit, vegetables, meat etc transported all over the world? Or should you choose organic non-toxic produce no matter how it's transported? The transports takes its toll on the environment but, on the other hand, locally grown produce may still have a lot of chemicals in them.
It's not an easy choice to make. It's not the same thing, and it's not always easy to find locally grown produce that's also organic.
I've decided to choose organic every time, and in doing that giving organic farmers all over the world a chance to sell their produce. It's important to me to have as few chemicals as possible in my food and drinks. Maybe in the long run there will be more to choose from when it comes to produce that's both organic and locally cultivated.
It's not an easy choice to make. It's not the same thing, and it's not always easy to find locally grown produce that's also organic.
I've decided to choose organic every time, and in doing that giving organic farmers all over the world a chance to sell their produce. It's important to me to have as few chemicals as possible in my food and drinks. Maybe in the long run there will be more to choose from when it comes to produce that's both organic and locally cultivated.
Sharing is caring
22 april 2012
Nordic Light Hotel
I spent last night at the Nordic Light Hotel in Stockholm. It's a beutifully designed hotel. The lobby is trendy, and yet very welcoming.
The hotel is marked with Svanen (the swan) which is a Swedish eco-label also used for laundry-detergents, paper etc. In the bathroom you can find products from the Swedish organic brand Luxsit. Luxsit is developed in Sweden and uses primarily Scandinavian plant extracts their products.
Nordic Light is also the first hotel in the world to introduce Meat Free Monday. On Mondays they don't serve any red meat in their restaurants. This is made as an inspiration to reduce the meat-consumption in the world.
Read more and book your own stay at; Nordic Light Hotel
Find out more about Luxsit and about Meat Free Mondays.
The hotel is marked with Svanen (the swan) which is a Swedish eco-label also used for laundry-detergents, paper etc. In the bathroom you can find products from the Swedish organic brand Luxsit. Luxsit is developed in Sweden and uses primarily Scandinavian plant extracts their products.
Nordic Light is also the first hotel in the world to introduce Meat Free Monday. On Mondays they don't serve any red meat in their restaurants. This is made as an inspiration to reduce the meat-consumption in the world.
Read more and book your own stay at; Nordic Light Hotel
Find out more about Luxsit and about Meat Free Mondays.
Meat Free Monday,
21 april 2012
Coffee has the second largest turnover among merchandise in the entire world (oil being the largest). As such it can really make a difference what we choose when we buy coffee.
Poisonous pesticides are used on 70% of all coffee plantations. Two of the most common pesticides are paraquat and lindane. Paraquat is acutely toxic and is considered extremely unhealthy. Exposure to even small doses can cause damage to your liver, lungs and kidneys. Exposure to lindane causes damage to the nervous system and may cause cancer. Those chemicals are forbidden in Sweden and the EU, but they are still used in countries producing the Swedish national drink coffee. For example, one of the largest health hazards in Brasil are illnesses caused by pesticedes. An estimated 200 000 persons are afflicted in this country alone.
There is an organisation working for better environmental policies and a fair treatment of workers in the trade. You can check out the 4c-coffeeassociation website.
Luckily, finding organic coffe is quite easy, at least in Sweden. Many brands have a choice of different organic beans and blends and lots of times it's fair trade as well. So it should be easy to find an organic version that you like.
There is a fantastic website where you can find out everything you need to know about coffe; Kaffeinformation. They don't get into the problems with farming but are more of a general information site.
Poisonous pesticides are used on 70% of all coffee plantations. Two of the most common pesticides are paraquat and lindane. Paraquat is acutely toxic and is considered extremely unhealthy. Exposure to even small doses can cause damage to your liver, lungs and kidneys. Exposure to lindane causes damage to the nervous system and may cause cancer. Those chemicals are forbidden in Sweden and the EU, but they are still used in countries producing the Swedish national drink coffee. For example, one of the largest health hazards in Brasil are illnesses caused by pesticedes. An estimated 200 000 persons are afflicted in this country alone.
There is an organisation working for better environmental policies and a fair treatment of workers in the trade. You can check out the 4c-coffeeassociation website.
Luckily, finding organic coffe is quite easy, at least in Sweden. Many brands have a choice of different organic beans and blends and lots of times it's fair trade as well. So it should be easy to find an organic version that you like.
There is a fantastic website where you can find out everything you need to know about coffe; Kaffeinformation. They don't get into the problems with farming but are more of a general information site.
20 april 2012
Their Conscious Collection is in stores now. Made from materials like organic cotton or recycled polyester. Really cool clothes and many are already sold out.
Read more and buy your favourites here; H&M.
Read more and buy your favourites here; H&M.
19 april 2012
Marc Jacobs
Apart from making gorgeous clothes, Marc Jacobs has designed a pair of sunglasses for the "Plant a Seed" project that's dedicated to saving the rainforests of Brazil. Read more and support the project here.
The glasses are dark brown and green and has a vintage-inspired frame. They are made from renewable resources, and so is the case they come in. You can find them on his own website.
Those sunglasses can also be bought at Smartbuyglasses at a good price. Smartbuyglasses also thinks one step ahead with their Buy one - Give one concept. For every pair of glasses (not sunglasses) you buy, they donate one pair to someone that needs glasses but can't afford them. So far they've donated glasses at a value of over 800 000 USD!
The glasses are dark brown and green and has a vintage-inspired frame. They are made from renewable resources, and so is the case they come in. You can find them on his own website.
Those sunglasses can also be bought at Smartbuyglasses at a good price. Smartbuyglasses also thinks one step ahead with their Buy one - Give one concept. For every pair of glasses (not sunglasses) you buy, they donate one pair to someone that needs glasses but can't afford them. So far they've donated glasses at a value of over 800 000 USD!
18 april 2012
Saltå Kvarn
Saltå Kvarn (Saltå Mill) is a Swedish company dedicated to high quality organic and biodynamic food.They are situated south of Stockholm and sell their produce all over the country. Saltå Kvarn has been working with biodynamic produce since 1964 and they are working together with farmers from all over the world to ensure a clean and natural produce. You can find their products in health food stores, and a lot of supermarkets have it as well.
17 april 2012

They are cheap, work well, and you can wash them in your regular washing-machine.
When you're done with them you can put them on your compost and they will be made into soil after about two months.
Read more here.
16 april 2012
Plastic Fantastic?
What does those marks on your waterbottles, childrens toys, food containers etc really mean? Can you tell what's harmful and what's not? Check those marks when shopping, and try to avoid 3, 6 and 7 which are the most dangerous ones.
There is a potential (low) risk for leakage of phthalates.
Often used in recyclable waterbottles
There are no known risks with this kind of plastic, but it should not be heated up.
This type of plastic is used in varoius things; from food packaging to toys
to building-materials. It's a hard plastic and to soften it phthalates is often added.
This kind of chemical leaks and it affects your hormones and your fertility.
There are also studies that shows a connection to childrens allergies.
This type is often used in plastic bags.
There are no know risks with this kind of plastic, but it should not be heated up.
This kind is often used in food containers that needs to be heat-resistant.
It contains substances that can be harmful.
This kind of plastic is used in a lot off different things; toys,
computers, kitchen appliances etc.
It can be impregnated with flame retardants.
This is often used for food containers, feeding bottles and plastic kitchen utensils. This is a very common mark. The plastic may contain bisphenol A that affects your hormones.
Bisphenol A,
15 april 2012
Eco Friendly hairdryer
When my old hairdryer went up in flames a few months ago I went shopping for a new one. I had no idea there was actually such a thing as an eco-friendly hairdryer. I found mine online and decided to try it. It really good! Well, my old one had only one temperature and one speed so I guess anything would be better that that...
Anyway, my new hairdryer is a Parlux 3800 Eco Friendly. It's made by Parlux in Italy and is developed for professional use. The hairdryer is made of fully regenerable components, painted with non-toxic paint and there are no emissions harmful to the ozon during drying. The packaging is made of recycled paper that is biodegradable. It's also very silent and saves energy by accelerating drying.
It has four (four!!!) temperatures and two speeds. For someone that dries her hair almost every day this is heaven.
Anyway, my new hairdryer is a Parlux 3800 Eco Friendly. It's made by Parlux in Italy and is developed for professional use. The hairdryer is made of fully regenerable components, painted with non-toxic paint and there are no emissions harmful to the ozon during drying. The packaging is made of recycled paper that is biodegradable. It's also very silent and saves energy by accelerating drying.
It has four (four!!!) temperatures and two speeds. For someone that dries her hair almost every day this is heaven.
Read more here.
14 april 2012
Yogi Tea
Yogi Tea comes in a lot of different flavours. They have black, red and green teas with mixes of herbes, spices and berries and they are all organic and mixed according to ayurvedic principles.
There are also versions that target specific needs, for example to give more energy, to calm you down or to help you sleep. On the bottom of each package there is a yoga pose that specifically suites that particular tea.
Green Chai is my all time favourite. It's a very mild herbal blend that smells of cardamom and cinnamon. There are also several teas with fruit flavour or lemon that are perfect for ice-tea in the summer.
In Sweden you can find Yogi Tea in health food stores and in some regular supermarkets.
Read more about the different blends here.
13 april 2012
ABBA Hair Care

It can be hard to find this brand in stores or at the hairdressers, but more and more people seems to find out how good it is, so it should soon be easier to find.
The products are completely vegan and free from DEA (diethanolamine), sulfate and synthetic dyes. ABBA work hard to improve their products but still keep their purity.
12 april 2012
Happy Cows
Springtime in Sweden means it's time to let the cows out of the barn for the summer.
It's a big happening on many farms around the country. Approximately 120 000 people will be watching on one of the arranging farms this year.
If you're nearby, don't miss this funny moment.
If you're nearby, don't miss this funny moment.
Watch the preview on YouTube.
More information about this can be found here.
11 april 2012
Protein powder
There are so many different kinds of protein powders to use before or after working out, or as a snack, it's hard to know what to buy in this jungle. I got a really good tip from my PT. He is a strong believer in organic food and vitamins, and protein that is as pure as possible, without any added substances.
Holistic is a Swedish brand that sells high quality protein powders. Their powders are free from hormones and most of the whey used is from Swedish farms. They have protein with flavours of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. There is also one hypoallergenic version that's developed for those suffering from food-allergies.
Ask for free samples at you local health food store and find your own favourite.
Read more here
Holistic is a Swedish brand that sells high quality protein powders. Their powders are free from hormones and most of the whey used is from Swedish farms. They have protein with flavours of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. There is also one hypoallergenic version that's developed for those suffering from food-allergies.
Ask for free samples at you local health food store and find your own favourite.
Read more here
10 april 2012
Amalgam decontamination
Are you walking around with a ticking bomb in your mouth?
A lot of people walk around with fillings in their teeth that releases mercury and mercury vapors. Autopsies on human bodies indicate that the number, size and age of an idividual's amalgam fillings is directly related to the concentration of mercury in the body. The greater the size and number of fillings and the longer the fillings have been in the mouth the stronger the toxic effects of the amalgam.
There are several diseases that can be related to exposure to this toxic metal in your body. For example; alzheimer’s, IBS, multiple sclerosis, reproductive disorders, allergies, psoriasis, hair loss, headaches and acne.
In the USA the umbilical cords of newborns must be disposed of as hazardous waste due to their toxicity. The toxic effects of their mothers amalgam fillings accumulate in the uterus and are passed on from mother to child.
When you replace you amalgam fillings it will take approximately six weeks until mercury no longer will be detected in your blood. This does not mean that the mercury is no longer present in your body. In animal experiments, radioactive-markered mercury from amalgam fillings appeared in the kidneys, brain, bone marrow, ovaries or testicles within 24 hours. Since the mercury had incorporated itself into the internal organs, it was no longer traceable in the blood.
To get your fillings replaced you should make sure you go to a specialist that knows exactly what he or she is doing.
I replaced my fillings after I started to have migraines which is one of the many side-effects of mercury poisoning. No doctor told me this could be caused by my amalgam fillings, I had to look that up on the internet. It was a very strict schedule to have them replaced. They used a special kind of oxygen supply that disposed of the mercury safely, being very cautious not to harm me, themselves or the environment. I was only allowed to remove one filling a month becuse of the high risk of contamination. I had to eat a lot of antioxidants during the entire period the replacements took place to help my body sort out any toxic vapours.
It is bloody expensive since the Swedish government don't include this in the insurance for dental care (I think this is true in many countries). But, I assure you, it is worth every penny.
Apart from amalgam, mercury can also be found in antiseptics, blood-pressure medicines, eye drops and in vaccines. So check out you medicine cabinet.
Read more about this here; Amalgamskadefonden (Swedish) or here; Hal Huggins (English)
9 april 2012
Bed of nails
My favourite treat after a stressful day is to spend half an hour on my bed of nails.
It's a little bit unpleasant at first, but after five minutes it's heaven.
I always need someone to wake me up after 30 minutes, or I sleep all through the night.
The one I use is made of organic cotton, and even the plastic parts are made of environmentally friendly materials.
Read more and order your own.
It's a little bit unpleasant at first, but after five minutes it's heaven.
I always need someone to wake me up after 30 minutes, or I sleep all through the night.
The one I use is made of organic cotton, and even the plastic parts are made of environmentally friendly materials.
Read more and order your own.
8 april 2012
Ladybirds are a good way to keep your garden organic and at the same time free from pests. Both larvae and adults eat different types of pests such as aphids and scale, and one type of ladybird feeds on fungus.
A ladybird which lives for one year can eat more than 5,000 aphids, so by not using pesticides you are actully feeding your ladybirds. Even if a plant is infested with aphids, when the ladybirds find the plant they will eat them quickly and the plant should recover just as fast as if you’d sprayed it.
If a ladybird gets plenty of aphids to eat, they can lay up to 2,000 eggs in a year which will improve your garden even more. Most people know what adult ladybirds look like but ladybird larvae are strange looking and many confuse them with pests. As a result many of them are killed by pesticides, including organic sprays, and a when there are fewer ladybirds there will usually be a pest outbreak. Learn what they look like before you spray so don't kill your garden protectors.
A garden full of ladybirds is a happy garden.
7 april 2012
Farmers Market
Farmers Markets are getting more and more common all over the world and Sweden is no exception. The largest one is called Farmers Own Market and can be found in 19 cities around Sweden.
All their produce is from Swedish farmers and a very important rule is that everything that the farmers sell should be produced on their own farms. That rule applies also to the key ingredient in produce like jam or sausages. Everything that's sold comes from farms within a radius of 250 kilometers, and thus considerd to be locally produced. Many times the produce is harvested on the same day that it's sold and it doesn't get much fresher than that. A lot of the produce is organic and the consumer has the opportunity to talk directly to the producer about the meat or the vegetables they are buying. That teaches the farmers a lot about what their consumers want, and it teaches the consumer how their food is produced.
A Farmers Market allows the consumers to find local produce that they may not be able to find otherwise. In the era of supermarkets a lot of local specialities get lost and this is a way to keep traditions alive and to introduce them to a new crowd.
On the homepage you can find more information and opening hours for the Farmers Own Market, and there are also some food recipes to try.
All their produce is from Swedish farmers and a very important rule is that everything that the farmers sell should be produced on their own farms. That rule applies also to the key ingredient in produce like jam or sausages. Everything that's sold comes from farms within a radius of 250 kilometers, and thus considerd to be locally produced. Many times the produce is harvested on the same day that it's sold and it doesn't get much fresher than that. A lot of the produce is organic and the consumer has the opportunity to talk directly to the producer about the meat or the vegetables they are buying. That teaches the farmers a lot about what their consumers want, and it teaches the consumer how their food is produced.
A Farmers Market allows the consumers to find local produce that they may not be able to find otherwise. In the era of supermarkets a lot of local specialities get lost and this is a way to keep traditions alive and to introduce them to a new crowd.
On the homepage you can find more information and opening hours for the Farmers Own Market, and there are also some food recipes to try.
6 april 2012
Rooftop farming New York
In USA the art of rooftop farming is picking up. It sounds simple enough to start gardening on your own roof to get fresh vegetables and fruits, but you have to consider the impact of wind, sun and rain and plan accordingly. The rooftop farms are carefully planned to protect it's harvest and produce as much as possible on the limited space.
There are a lot of different reasons why people want to start a rooftop farm. Some value the marketing potential of a rooftop farm, some are interested in managing stormwater, and others want to supplement their commercial kitchens with locally grown food.
Gotham Greens is situated in Brooklyn and sells their produce to local chefs, markets and retailers. They started in 2008 and their goal is to produce over 80 tons of fresh greens annually. They care about keeping the entire chain sustainable. From fair treatment of workers to biodiversity and preserving water. Their main goal is to produce tasty, safe and nutritious greens. The greenhouses are powered by solar-panels and they have an advanced computer systems to manage heating, cooling and plant nutrition.
Brooklyn Grange is another rooftop-farm. They sell their produce directly to the local people and businesses. Everybody is welcome to visit and to participate. They visit different markets to sell their produce, and in the sping of 2012 they will start an apiary project which will include 25 bee hives and produce over 1000 pounds of honey.
Follow up on their projects and read about the driving spirits behind them on Brooklyngrangefarm and Gothamgreens
There are a lot of different reasons why people want to start a rooftop farm. Some value the marketing potential of a rooftop farm, some are interested in managing stormwater, and others want to supplement their commercial kitchens with locally grown food.
Brooklyn Grange is another rooftop-farm. They sell their produce directly to the local people and businesses. Everybody is welcome to visit and to participate. They visit different markets to sell their produce, and in the sping of 2012 they will start an apiary project which will include 25 bee hives and produce over 1000 pounds of honey.
Follow up on their projects and read about the driving spirits behind them on Brooklyngrangefarm and Gothamgreens
Sharing is caring,
5 april 2012
Allotment gardening
An allotment garden is a piece of land that has been divided in to smaller pieces and made available for individuals to rent. The size of the plot usually range from 50-400 quare metres and may include small sheds, greenhouses or small garden houses.
Most of the allotment gardens in Europe started out as a way for the poor to get acces to fresh vegetables and fruits. This was especially true during war-time when access to fresh produce was limited and prices high.
Denmark was first country with allotment gardening in Scandinavia in 1778. Sweden established their first allotment garden in 1895.
Today when most people have busy working days and many live in an hectic urban atmosphere, allotment gardens are more popular than ever and have turned into recreational areas. It's your own green oasis in the middle of the city that provides relaxation from the stress of work.
Many families sees it as an opportunity to come together and have a meaningful leisure activity and for the children to learn about gardening and nature. Allotment gardening also helps providing the community with a better quality of urban life through the reduction of noise, the binding of dust, and conservation of biotopes.
To get your own mini-garden visit one of the many homepages found on the internet or use this page to start from (Scandinavia)
4 april 2012
High Line
The High Line is a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan's West Side. It was founded the 1930s, as part of a massive public-private infrastructure project called the West Side Improvement.
No trains have run on the High Line since 1980 and in 1999 the structure was under the threat of demolition. Friends of the High Line was founded by the local community to save the historic site and transform it into the beautiful public park it is today. The park is located on Manhattan's West Side and runs from Gansevoort Street to West 34th Street, between 10th & 11th Avenues.
Friends of the High Line works very actively to keep the park open and to involve the community in this project. On the High Line you can find a lot of green areas to just relax, you can find cafées and restaurants and different art projects. They have tours for the local schools to teach children about the history of the High Line, about the plants and ecosystem of New York and about the history of Manhattan's shipping industry.
It's a really great example of recycling, turning something old and run down into a beautiful place that everybody can enjoy.
Read more about the High Line. And don't forget to visit when you're in New York.
No trains have run on the High Line since 1980 and in 1999 the structure was under the threat of demolition. Friends of the High Line was founded by the local community to save the historic site and transform it into the beautiful public park it is today. The park is located on Manhattan's West Side and runs from Gansevoort Street to West 34th Street, between 10th & 11th Avenues.
Friends of the High Line works very actively to keep the park open and to involve the community in this project. On the High Line you can find a lot of green areas to just relax, you can find cafées and restaurants and different art projects. They have tours for the local schools to teach children about the history of the High Line, about the plants and ecosystem of New York and about the history of Manhattan's shipping industry.
It's a really great example of recycling, turning something old and run down into a beautiful place that everybody can enjoy.
Read more about the High Line. And don't forget to visit when you're in New York.
Public Transport,
Sharing is caring,
3 april 2012
To build or to grow
Every person can choose between two ways; to build or to grow.
Those who build can spend many years with their project, but one day the project is finished. When they stop building they realise that they are locked in between their own walls. Life loses it's meaning once the building is finished.
Then we have those who grow. They may be afflicted with thunder and change of seasons and they rarely experience peaceful times. What differs from a building is that a garden never stops growing. Because it constantly demands it's growers attention it always makes life a great adventure.
The growers recognise one another - they know that each plants history contains the history of the whole planet.
-Paulo Coelho
Those who build can spend many years with their project, but one day the project is finished. When they stop building they realise that they are locked in between their own walls. Life loses it's meaning once the building is finished.
Then we have those who grow. They may be afflicted with thunder and change of seasons and they rarely experience peaceful times. What differs from a building is that a garden never stops growing. Because it constantly demands it's growers attention it always makes life a great adventure.
The growers recognise one another - they know that each plants history contains the history of the whole planet.
-Paulo Coelho
2 april 2012
A Positive Greenhouse Effect
By 2050 up to 80% of the earth's population will reside in urban centers. In the same time the population will increase with 2 billion people. How will we provide food for everybody?
Plantagon is an interesting Swedish company working on a solution. They have developed architecture and technology for urban agriculture.
They've designed several different types of greenhouses; from houses used only for farming to solutions integrated in already existing office buildings. They've taken into consideration both the architecture itself and also ways to provide as much natural light as possible.
The entire farming process is based on a sustainable system with organic fertilisers, water recycling and ways to convert waste into biogas. They want to integrate farming with cities in ways that saves both money and the environment.
Their first greenhouse is currently being built in the city of Linköping in Sweden.
They will be the first city in the world to test this new technology and break new grounds for future cities to develop sustainable farming solutions.
Read more about Plantagon's truly amazing inventions here.
Exciting information about Vertical Farming can also be found on Verticalfarm.
Plantagon is an interesting Swedish company working on a solution. They have developed architecture and technology for urban agriculture.

The entire farming process is based on a sustainable system with organic fertilisers, water recycling and ways to convert waste into biogas. They want to integrate farming with cities in ways that saves both money and the environment.
Their first greenhouse is currently being built in the city of Linköping in Sweden.
They will be the first city in the world to test this new technology and break new grounds for future cities to develop sustainable farming solutions.
Read more about Plantagon's truly amazing inventions here.
Exciting information about Vertical Farming can also be found on Verticalfarm.
Sharing is caring,
1 april 2012

5000 children die each day from diseases caused by unsafe drinking water.
WaterRun works together with public and private donors to help provide clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene education around the world.
Only 20$ can provide safe clean drinking water for one person for 20 years!
To provide access to water is the biggest challenge we have in the world. It plays an important role in a sustainable future for all of us.
Help out and read more here
Sharing is caring,
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