8 september 2012

Meat Free Saturday

More ricotta. This cheese is lovely!

We made pizza. Very easy to do, healthy and vegetarian.

For 4 persons

1 roll of puff pastery (500gr)
2 eggs
250 gr ricotta-cheese
2 tablespoons of finely-chopped fresh thyme
350 gr of tomatoes (it looks really nice if you mix the colors)
1 pot of chervil
Freshly ground black pepper

- Heat up the oven to 200C
- Put the puff pastery on a baking sheet on top of oven paper. Tuck up the edges about 1cm and brush them with a whisked egg.
-Mix ricotta, thyme and one egg. Spice with 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and 2 pinches of black pepper.
-Put the paste on the puff pastery and spread it evenly.
-Bake it in the middle of the oven about 20-25 minutes until the puff pastery gets golden-brown and crispy.
-Put sliced tomatoes and chervil on top of it and add some salt, pepper and olive-oil

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